A Brand describes much more than just a company’s logo. A company’s brand should reflect the company’s corporate values and personality and should be strong enough to stand the test of time. A strong brand should help to differentiate your company from your competitors and build confidence in your company in the eyes of your customers, staff and shareholders.
“You may be attracted by someone’s looks but it’s their personality you fall in love with”
“To find your brand personality it helps to think of your business first in terms of a person. If your customers met this person, how would they describe them? Well presented, professional, trustworthy, passionate, dynamic, and knowledgeable. Secondly, what would your customers think about your product, goods or service? Aspirational, cutting-edge, expensive, affordable, great value.”
Creating Your Identity > Evolving Your Brand
Your brand is much more than just an image it’s what customers believe about your business. It’s your core values, business mission, your goods, service or sales proposition and standards and it may be necessary to trade mark your brand to protect it from your competitors.
A brand’s journey starts with the first step, and we can help you take it…